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Are “being a great Dad” and career ambition compatible?

How about fatherhood + global empire building + balloon pioneering + space exploration?

Richard Branson did all that, and his kids seem to think he struck a perfect balance!

In the Sky Documentary on the man, his kids tell how dad would “drop everything” to join in their play. They say he would invariably tak their calls even during important meetings. They felt like his priority.

It’s inspiring stuff.

I don’t run Virgin (…yet 😉 ), but I do try to find the balance in life.

I work a four day week, and flex my hours so I can do the schoolrun, help with reading and smash through some housework.

I guess Richard’s example shows that even at the stratospheric heights of global business, family life can still thrive.

What do you think? Have you got the #worklifebalance of #careerambition and #fatherhood right?

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